Microcaps offer phenomenal potential for long-term investors, but you need to do your research
REPOST FROM “STOCKHEAD” What is the attraction of microcaps compared to blue chips? It is not always easy to find deep-value opportunities in the top end because there are a lot of companies that are significantly over-priced. You have to be more discerning than ever to see through the pricing dislocation in the market. But […]

Debt could easily be seen as “steroids” for businesses. Administered correctly, it’s possible to have a star performer achieve the unthinkable for decades, becoming a goliath of their field. Yet, many stars after seeing short term results, double down on their new “Holy Grail” only to come crashing down – usually on life support. Today […]
Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact on world economy

Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact on world economy Statement by the Chief Investment Officer – Carlos Gil Strong 1H20 reporting season but the market is Covid-19 focused A strong first half FY20 reporting season across our domestic investment funds has been overshadowed by world equity market price falls instigated by the spread of the Covid-19 (the novel corona virus). […]
Australian Investors Podcast (Rask Finance) Full Interview – Carlos Gil & Owen Raszkiewicz

Watch the latest australian investors podcast interview with Carlos Gil (Microequities CEO/CIO) and Owen Raszkiewicz (Founder of Rask Australia). Watch here Carlos discusses topics such as Microequities investment philosophy, process and strategy for researching and owning some of Australia’s most promising undervalued microcap and small cap businesses. If you are interested in investing in the Microequities Funds, please […]
Why aren’t microequities fund growing at the EPS Growth rate?

We are sometimes asked why there is a difference between our forecasted earnings growth and our portfolio returns. It is logical to expect that if earnings are growing, then the portfolio returns will be growing too. However, the correlation between earnings and market returns is much lower in the short term than in the long […]
Investsmart Full Interview – Carlos Gil & Mitchell Sneddon – Microequities Funds are undervalued

Listen to the latest investsmart interview with Carlos Gil (Microequities CEO/CIO) and Mitchell Sneddon (Investsmart Head of portfolio services). Carlos discusses topics such as Value investing and the undervalued Microequities funds. Carlos also shares an example of a business that Microequities has invested in the fund. If you are interested in investing in the Microequities Funds, please […]
4 Reasons not to invest with Microequities

Over the years as a relationship manager, I have the unique vantage point of having heard almost every reason under the sun as to why people decide to either invest or not to invest in products ranging from Term Deposits to Managed Funds. Below I’ve outlined a few of the reasons potential investors raise with […]
Bitcoin, pricing dislocation and value investing.

Price and value. Many investors think these two concepts are substitutable, but they are not. Each of these terms refer to two very different qualities. As value investors, Microequities believes that there can be large divergences between the two. These divergences, we call “pricing dislocations”. These pricing dislocations mean the price of something, in our […]
Microcaps offer phenomenal potential for long-term investors, but you need to do your research

REPOST FROM “STOCKHEAD” What is the attraction of microcaps compared to blue chips? It is not always easy to find deep-value opportunities in the top end because there are a lot of companies that are significantly over-priced. You have to be more discerning than ever to see through the pricing dislocation in the market. But […]
Microequities boss Carlos Gil buys businesses not shares: repost from afr

Written by Vesna Poljak /Photo by Brook Mitchell Carlos Gil knows that when a chief executive gets up at an annual meeting and says the macroeconomic environment was a problem for their company, that is a classic red flag for investors. The Microequities Asset Management founder says “have no doubt, if that happens, you are across […]