For wholesale investors looking for country diversification and access to international small companies
5+ Years
Annual compound returns of the Microequities Global Value Microcap Fund are calculated on annual compound basis after all fees with reinvestment of distributions. Annual returns of MSCI World Microcap index are calculated on annual compound basis over the references period. Value added returns is a cumulative number calculated and hence cannot be compared to an annual return number, it is calculated by computing the total Global Microcap Value Fund return over the reference period and subtracting it against the total MSCI World Micro index return over the reference period.
The fund invests in fast growing businesses within the developed world (eg North America, Western Europe, Singapore, New Zealand, etc). Companies in the Fund have business models well understood by the Microequities investment management team. The core business models of these international companies are in areas that Microequities has domain expertise in. Highly undervalued companies Businesses purchased in the Global Value Fund are purchased at large discounts to their intrinsic value. The Global Fund does not hedge its currency assets and provides Australian investors the ability to invest and own foreign denominated currency assets.
*Annual compound returns
(*) Data as at 28/02/2025. (**) Fund inception on 1 December, 2015 Year returns are calculated as compound per annum. Returns are calculated after all fees and expenses and reinvestment of distributions. Please note that past performance is not indicative of future performance
Microequities strongly recommend that potential investors seek independent professional advice as to the risk, financial, taxation and other implications of investing. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Microequities Asset Management Pty Ltd is a corporate authorised representative, number 462438, as appointed by Microequities Asset Management Group Limited holder of AFSL number 287526. Application for units in the Fund is limited to investors that are Wholesale or Sophisticated investors within the meaning of Section 761G(7) and 761GA(7) of the Corporations Act 2001.
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Suite 3105 Level 31
Governor Macquarie Tower
1 Farrer Place Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: +61 2 9009 2900
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